A little peek inside my brain....!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Baby Artichokes

A recent Chicago Trib Good Eating article talked about baby artichokes.

It said, "Did you know? Baby artichokes aren't immature globe artichokes;
they're just smaller artichokes that grow nearer the ground instead of at
the very top of the plant. They range from walnut- to egg-sized. They lack
the thistlelike "choke" nestled in the tender heart near the base.
Otherwise, they are just the same as larger artichokes."

The article goes on to say that baby artichokes "are available year-round
but are at their peak in March, April and May, according to information
from Baroda Farms, an artichoke grower in California's Lompoc Valley. All
artichokes may be "frost-kissed," or slightly bronzed, but the brown
patches on the leaves disappear in cooking and are actually said to
contribute flavor to the vegetable, according to another artichoke grower,
Ocean Mist of Castroville, Calif. To tell if an artichoke is fresh or tired
and old, rub the leaves together. If they squeak, the artichoke is fresh."

I then noticed an interesting potato-baby-artichoke-soup recipe in the
current MSL issue(April 06). Can't find it online but it prompted me to

So I decided I had to get some of these new-to-me ingredients and found
some really nice looking ones at Carrot Top in Northbrook. Off Willow Road
west of Waukeegan sort of across the side street from the Target Greatland
store. Here is a picture with an egg for size reference.

Carrot Top is a very quirky little store that has some suprisingly
wonderful hard-to-find-otherwise produce. It is the only place I have ever
seen a real Budda's Hand. At the time I thought the Budda's Hand was
outrageously priced at $9 but have come to learn that this rarity can
command up to $100 in price. I did not buy the Hand at the time because I
did not know what to do with it - and still don't - but what an interesting
and amazing thing to pick up and marvel at. That is the kind of place that
Carrot Top is. (But btw, no yuzu.)

Carrot Top
1430 Paddock Drive
Northbrook, IL
(847) 729-1450

Have you ever cooked baby artichokes this small? I was thinking a simple
braise and then bread crumb topping like a gratin. Or a saute with
asparagus and cipoline onions or something similarly springy.

btw, has anyone seen any fiddle heads anywhere? A source in the NW or N
suburbs or N side of city would be closest but I will travel if I must.
This is the season for them, isn't it?


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